Two pieces of information that are very pertinent to the future of the Cape Haze Peninsula have been confirmed in recent days. There will be luxury condominiums built on three pieces of property next to the Coral Creek Golf Course and Eldred’s Marina, a mainstay of “Old Florida” in our community, is on the market for $40 million. As you might expect, there is already at least one very interested buyer.
While the announcement was just brought to light earlier this week (even though rumors have abounded for months) when Charlotte County commissioners broached the subject at their last workshop on June 21, property owner Marian Dixon has confirmed that the 12 acres which includes the bait/gift shop, boat launches and dockage, a trash disposal receptacle for Little Gasparilla Island residents, a residence and several out buildings, is on the market.
This is causing some concern for several businesses including Charlotte County, as they use the boat launches and dockage their to get back and forth to LGI for everything from construction to maintenance and more. Several other small businesses use the slips as well and would not be able to stay in business without them.
We hope to find out more soon, so keep reading.
Charlotte County commissioners also discussed the 358 units that are proposed by Lennar Homes for 12901, 12951 and 13001 Gasparilla Road, which is just west/southwest of the Coral Creek Golf Club. Attorney Rob Berntsson from Big W Law Firm sent a letter to Charlotte County administrators on behalf of his client, Habern Acquisition LLC ETAL, asking for the county’s clarification on zoning for the lots.
According to the county, the smallest of the three lots is 5.06 acres and See CHANGES on PAGE 12

From PAGE 1 is zoned Residential Multi-family 5, which means it has a density of 25.3 possibly units. The second lot, listed at 70.48 acres and zoned Residential Single-family 3.5, will have a potential density of 246.68 units and the largest lot, listed at 86.66 acres with zoning listed as Residential Estate 1, will have a total of 86.66 density units. The total on that is 358 units.
Habern Acquisition LLC ETAL, a corporation listed at 150 W 30th St. in New York City, owns all three properties with the listed current use as “bees.” The plans drawn up by Banks Engineering list the three parcels together as the “Boca Creek” property.
The property at 12901 Gasparilla Road is listed at $719,797 just value. In 2017 it was listed at a $609,059 just value. It was last sold in September of 2006 for $5 million.
The property at 12951 has a certifi ed just value of $818,040. It was last sold in September of 2006 for $5 million.
The property at 13001 Gasparilla Road has a certified just value of $654,840 and was last sold in September of 2006 for $5 million.
More on this next week.