CHPOA Granted Ownership of 180 Spyglass!

On December 21, 1987 Cape Haze Corporation granted ownership of the property located at 180 Spyglass (Lot 3 Block E) to Cape Haze Property Owners Association, Inc. with the following stipulation:

The use of the property described in this deed (Lot 3 Block E, Cape Haze) shall be restricted to civic or recreational use for a period of 99 years.  In the event the property is used for any other purpose (without the approval of Grantor) the property shall revert to the Grantor, or its assigns.  During the said property reversionary period Grantee shall not transfer, sell or assign the subject property.

Thirty-two years have passed since this Warranty Deed was granted.  The ownership of Cape Haze Corporation now rests in the hands of Mr. Gary Littlestar, a genuinely caring gentleman who wishes to see us prosper and continue successfully.  We petitioned for the release of this stipulation on our deed to be removed and he has generously agreed to do so.  At the Membership meeting on November 16, 2019 there was a proposal for a Corporate Resolution for this purpose and it was approved by the CHPOA membership.  Subsequently, a copy was sent to Mr. Littlestar and the lien was removed.  This allows us to move forward into the 21st Century with the goal of owning an up-to-date and modern Community Center.