Annual CHPOA & CAM Dues

Copy of Invoice for CHPOA & CAM Dues

Dear Fellow Cape Haze Property Owner,

On September 28th our beautiful community was hit by Hurricane Ian, the worst storm this area has seen in our lifetimes.  Many of us sustained damage to our homes and properties, not to mention, incurred financial costs.  We sincerely hope that you and your family have turned the corner and are on the road to recovery. 

While in the immediate days after the storm many of us were focused on our own properties, there was also a need to focus on the neighborhood and our streets.  Members of the Cape Haze Property Owners Association (CHPOA) stepped up and mobilized resources and relationships to have many of our streets and driveways cleared in the matter of a few days.  This was important as it allowed most of us to gain access to resources and services that we personally needed, including fuel, food, emergency vehicles, landscapers, etc.  We recognize this process was not perfect, but we learned a lot.  Already the wheels are in motion to create an emergency response team for the community in the event we experience another disaster.

As we approach a new year, it is a good time to reflect on the community we chose to live in.  Many of our common areas need to be managed.  These include the entrances, the fountain, the community center, the dock, and the roundabouts.  Could you imagine what these areas, and therefore our neighborhood, would look like if no one in Cape Haze oversaw them?   From the beginning, CHPOA has always been a voluntary organization.  Each year around this time, letters and invoices are sent out to encourage everyone to join the membership.   The more residents that get involved, the better our community will look and the more desirable Cape Haze will be, which will positively impact the value of everyone’s property.  You will see in your invoice two different dues.  One is the CHPOA membership ($275) and the other is Common Area Maintenance (CAM, $180).  Why two fees?  The CHPOA fee is to support the administrative part of our community.  This includes the community center and the dock, among others.  This also includes maintenance, renovation, insurance, utility, etc.  The CAM fee is to upkeep all the other common areas, such as the fountain, entrances & signs, tree trimming, etc.  While we welcome Cape Haze East residents to be part of CHPOA, they have their own CAM fee.

From time to time, we hear the question, “So what does CHPOA do for me?”  We understand the question because often what CHPOA does is not obvious to many.  Nonetheless, these efforts have an  impact on our neighborhood and properties.  Recent examples of issues that CHPOA has addressed include:  worked with the county to fix hazards on Placida Road, which includes participation in the MSBU; fought the county permit process to install sewers in Cape Haze by substandard companies; monitored and communicated with county officials that are being pressured to raise density units from 5 to 65, which would lead to skyscrapers in the Cape Haze area (see website for more information); maintained entrance signage and landscaping; repaired and maintained the clubhouse; repaired the Don Pedro dock and trimmed path; managed vacant lot mowing so that the neighborhood maintains uniformity and adherence to deed restrictions; oversaw the annual tree trimming of our streets and common areas; managed hurricane cleanup; developed a community website ( with member services (such as home delivery of marine fuel).  All these efforts are carried out by residents of Cape Haze, volunteers that want to see our community thrive.

We would like to thank all those seasoned neighbors who have financially supported the community for so many years.  As well, we would like to thank all the newer neighbors who see the value in supporting Cape Haze.  While it is encouraging to see the membership growing over the last few years, we still only have a little more than 50% of the possible members that have joined CHPOA.  The number of residents that pay CAM is closer to 60%.  Much of the hurricane reserve ($30,000) that had accumulated over many years was spent in the last two months, and we need your help to replenish those funds.  We would respectfully ask that every home and property owner consider paying both fees this year.   

We encourage everyone to visit the CHPOA website at and register today to ensure we have the most accurate contact information for you and so you have access to the latest community news and events.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  We hope that you and your family enjoy the holiday season and have a Happy New Year!

Board of Directors
Cape Haze Property Owners Association


                                                                                                  CHPOA Mission Statement            
                                                                         To do that within our power to maintain or improve the
                                                                            quality of life and the property values in Cape Haze.